Wednesday, December 23, 2009


  • wow, it has been a long time since i've updated the blog. these past two months have been busy w/ errands, making christmas gifts, MOPS(mothers of preschoolers) meetings at church, dr's appts and just life. we are all doing well.
  • the second half of october was uneventful.
  • november brought new fun w/ 'real' food. i am making our own baby food. it is surprisingly easy and very cheap. his first food was rice cereal, then we added some fruit and he was able to try sweet potatoes for thanksgiving. they are his favorite vegetable. he's doing really well with new flavors. fruits are always a hit. he enjoys pears, peaches, apples, peas, sweet potatoes and he can try yellow squash and zucchini in january. he does not like butternut squash or avocado right now. we'll wait a couple of weeks and try again.
  • december brought our 6 month check up. he got a great report. dr. bubba said he was a well-balanced, big boy. 90th percentile for head circumfrence, lenght and weight. 18 lbs. 5 oz. he has had his first round of seasonal and h1n1 flu shots. the second round comes in mid-january. he did great! he is beginning to get rowdy during playtime. jumping around in his exersaucer and mimi is teaching him to bang, bang, bang toys. until next time......