Monday, June 23, 2008


well, saturday we helped at a local women's shelter, relieving them of some of their chores for the morning. one did notice and was appreciative. sunday we got up late so only made it to class. this morning i dropped B off at the airport for his business trip. i'm leaving thursday am and he's coming home thursday pm, so i won't see him until sunday th 29th. it's been a long time since we've been apart that long. but...i'm going to atlanta for the deeper still women's conference and i am so pumped. i can't wait for the car ride with friends and to do some shopping. the event speakers are kay arthur, beth moore and priscilla shirer. i can't wait to see what God has in store for me and for my friends. it is an exciting time.

work is still crazy confusing. dr. p did get her license, but we're not sure if/when she's working. we're on a day to day information schedule, which y'all know is beyond difficult for me since i'm a planner and list maker about 2 weeks ahead of every situation. i'm having to learn to be a little more flexible, which is good. it's something i need to learn before B and i have kids.